

If you have a question, you've
come to the right place.
Frequently asked questions
We've collected the most common questions our customers ask us here. Chances are that your answer is here. If not, don't hesitate to call our team directly or send us a message.
Orders & Returns
  • Can I return an item purchased online to the store?
  • Is my order validated?
  • How do I change my delivery address?
  • Account & Salted
  • How do I update my Salties?
  • How do I link my Hoalen account to my Salted account?
  • Do you offer a loyalty program?
  • Products & Laundry
  • Do you have a size guide?
  • How can I find out what parts are available at the Brest Laundry store?
  • Didn't find an answer?
    We're here to help
    Don't hesitate to call our team directly or send us a message. Our team is here to bring you the best possible answer.
    Need to reach us directly?
    Call us Monday to Friday
    from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
    +33 2 57 40 01 55
    Prefer to leave a message?
    Our team will take note of it and
    will contact you quickly.
    Leave a message